Joy Chronicles

The better the story, the more that the reader is moved — to tears, laughter, or action. Not all tales are happy ones and we wouldn’t wish some stories on anyone, but a reader knows when he has been touched […]

A New Hope

I read a wonderful book a couple of years ago titled How to Survive the Apocalypse: Zombies, Cylons, Faith, and Politics at the End of the World.  It begins with this statement: “The world is going to hell.”  The author […]

Big Screen Good Times

Last Friday night Nadine and I were awake past 3:00a.  It wasn’t that we couldn’t sleep.  We were watching the latest installments in the sagas of Spiderman and the Men In Black at the Skyline Drive-In Theater near Shelbyville, IN. […]

A Find

As part of my literary life, I launched an online bookstore at You can find it at the address at the end of this article. My strategy is to take a chance with old hardbacks I find at yard […]

Crossing Paths

Something amazing happens when one person gives serious attention to another person’s story.  This interests me for this is my profession as a healthcare chaplain.  It is also interests me as a husband, father, brother and friend who longs for […]


I do different things as a healthcare chaplain. For example, every Wednesday I read to a group of geriatric patients. These men and women are at least 65 years old and are receiving care for psychiatric conditions. Most of them […]