A Good Movie Novelization is Hard to Find

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull by James Rollins

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book in a thrift store and took it home ONLY because James Rollins wrote it. For me, the movie was as engaging as cotton candy, but the book was more like a Butterfinger. I liked how Rollins opened the novelization differently from the movie. But after a while, the action (especially the chase scene through the Amazonian jungle) just blurred before my eyes. Another thing I appreciated is how Mr. Rollins fleshed out the characters of Spalko, Dovchenko, and Mac. It makes it a deeper story when we know something about the antagonist’s motivation. I’ll hang onto the book in case James Rollins comes to town to promote one of his books. I’ll bring it with others for him to sign. A loyal fan is a loyal fan. While I wouldn’t want to live on it as a reader, it was fun enough while it lasted. Now to find something a little more nourishing.

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